Traffic Terms
Definitions are categorized as follows:
1. Geometric Cross Section
2. Highway Structures
3. Highway Types
4. Interchanges and Intersections at Grade
5. Traffic
6. Sight Distance
The definitions are presented below:
1. Geometric Cross Section
(1) Lane.
(a) Auxiliary Lane--The portion of the roadway for weaving, truck
climbing, speed change, or for other purposes supplementary to
through traffic movement.
(b) Lane Numbering--On a multilane roadway, the traffic lanes
available for through traffic traveling in the same direction
are numbered from left to right when facing in the direction of
traffic flow.
(c) Multiple Lanes--Freeways and conventional highways are sometimes
defined by the number of through traffic lanes in both directions.
Thus an 8-lane freeway has 4 through traffic lanes in each direction.
Likewise, a 4-lane conventional highway has 2 through traffic
lanes in each direction.
(d) Median Lane--A speed change lane within the median to accommodate
left turning vehicles.
(e) Separate Turning Lane--An auxiliary lane for traffic in one
direction which has been physically separated from the intersection
area by a traffic island.
(f) Speed Change Lane--An auxiliary lane, including tapered areas,
primarily for the acceleration or deceleration of vehicles entering
or leaving the through traffic lanes.
(g) Traffic Lane--The portion of the traveled way for the movement
of a single line of vehicles.
(2) Median. The portion of a divided highway separating
the traveled ways for traffic in opposite directions.
(3) Outer Separation. The portion of an arterial highway
between the traveled ways of a roadway for through traffic and
a frontage street or road.
(4) Roadbed. That portion of the roadway extending from
curb line to curb line or shoulder line to shoulder line. Divided
highways are considered to have two roadbeds.
(5) Roadside. A general term denoting the area adjoining
the outer edge of the roadbed. Extensive areas between the roadbeds
of a divided highway may also be considered roadside.
(6) Roadway. That portion of the highway included between
the outside lines of the sidewalks, or curbs and gutters, or side
ditches including also the appertaining structures, and all slopes,
ditches, channels, waterways, and other features necessary for
proper drainage and protection.
(7) Shoulder. The portion of the roadway contiguous with
the traveled way for accommodations of stopped vehicles, for emergency
use, and for lateral support of base and surface courses.
(8) Traveled Way. The portion of the roadway for the movement
of vehicles, exclusive of shoulders.
2. Highway Structures
(1) Bridges. Structures that span more than 6.1 m over
a waterway, measured under the copings along the centerline of
the road and multiple span structures where the individual spans
are in excess of 3 m, measured from center to center of supports
along the centerline of the road.
3. Highway Types
(1) Freeway. A freeway, as defined by statute, is a highway
in respect to which the owners of abutting lands have no right
or easement of access to or from their abutting lands or in respect
to which such owners have only limited or restricted right or
easement of access. This statutory definition also includes expressways.
The engineering definitions are:
(a) Freeway--A divided arterial highway with full control of access
and with grade separations at intersections.
(b) Expressway--An arterial highway with at least partial control
of access, which may or may not be divided or have grade separations
at intersections.
(2) Controlled Access Highway. Freeways and expressways
are controlled access highways.
(3) Conventional Highway. A highway without control of
access which may or may not be divided. Grade separations at
intersections or access control may be used when justified at
spot locations.
(4) Highway.
(a) Arterial Highway--A general term denoting a highway primarily
for through traffic usually on a continuous route.
(b) Bypass--An arterial highway that permits traffic to avoid
part or all of an urban area.
(c) Divided Highway--A highway with separated roadbeds for traffic
in opposing directions.
(d) Major Street or Major Highway--An arterial highway with intersections
at grade and direct access to abutting property and on which geometric
design and traffic control measures are used to expedite the safe
movement of through traffic.
(e) Through Street or Through Highway--Every highway or portion
thereof at the entrance to which vehicular traffic from intersecting
highways is regulated by stop signs or traffic control signals
or is controlled when entering on a separate right-turn roadway
by a yield-right-of-way sign.
(5) Street or Road.
(a) Cul-de-Sac Street--A local street open at one end only, with
special provisions for turning around.
(b) Dead End Street--A local street open at one end only, without
special provisions for turning around.
(c) Frontage Street or Road--A local street or road auxiliary
to and located on the side of an arterial highway for service
to abutting property and adjacent areas and for control of access.
(d) Local Street or Local Road--A street or road primarily for
access to residence, business, or other abutting property.
4. Interchanges and Intersections at Grade
(1) Channelization. The separation or regulation of conflicting
traffic movements into definite paths of travel by the use of
pavement markings, raised islands, or other suitable means to
facilitate the safe and orderly movement of both vehicles and
(2) Geometric Design. Geometric design is the arrangement
of the visible elements of a road, such as alignment, grades,
sight distances, widths, slopes, etc.
(3) Gore. The area immediately beyond the divergence of
two roadbeds bounded by the edges of those roadbeds.
(4) Grade Separation. A crossing of two highways or a
highway and a railroad at different levels.
(5) Interchange. A system of interconnecting roadways
in conjunction with one or more grade separations providing for
the interchange of traffic between two or more roadways on different
5. Traffic
(1) Annual Average Daily Traffic. The average 24 hour
volume, being the total number during a stated period divided
by the number of days in that period. The term is commonly
abbreviated as ADT or AADT.
(2) Delay. The time lost while traffic is impeded by some
element over which the driver has no control.
(3) Density. The number of vehicles per mile on the
traveled way at a given instant.
(4) Design Vehicles. A truck or large vehicle for which
the road has been designed to accommodate.
(5) Design Volume. A volume determined for use in design,
representing traffic expected to use the highway. Typically it
is an hourly volume.
(6) Diverging. The dividing of a single stream of traffic
into separate streams.
(7) Headway. The time in seconds between consecutive vehicles
moving past a point in a given lane, measured front to front.
(8) Level of Service. A rating using qualitative measures
that characterize operational conditions within a traffic stream
and their perception by motorists and passengers.
(9) Merging. The converging of separate streams of traffic
into a single stream.
(10) Running Time. The time the vehicle is in motion.
(11) Spacing. The distance between consecutive vehicles
in a given lane, measured front to front.
(12) Speed.
(a) Design Speed--A speed selected to establish specific minimum
geometric design elements for a particular section of highway.
(b) Running Speed--The speed over a specified section of highway,
being the distance divided by running time. The average for all
traffic, or component thereof, is the summation of distances divided
by the summation of running times.
(13) Traffic Control Devices.
(a) Traffic Markings--All lines, words, or symbols, except signs,
officially placed within the roadway to regulate, warn, or guide
(b) Traffic Sign--A device mounted on a fixed or portable support,
conveying a message or symbol to regulate, warn, or guide traffic.
(c) Traffic Signal--A power operated traffic control device except
signs, barricade warning lights, and steady burning electric lamps,
by which traffic is regulated, warned, or alternately directed
to take specific actions.
(14) Volume. The number of vehicles passing a given point
during a specified period of time.
(15) Weaving. The crossing of traffic streams moving in
the same general direction accomplished by merging and diverging.
6. Sight Distance
(1) Sight Distance. Sight distance is the continuous
length of highway ahead visible to the driver.
(2) Stopping Sight Distance. The minimum stopping sight
distance is the distance required by the driver of a vehicle,
traveling at a given speed, to bring his vehicle to a stop after
an object on the road becomes visible. Stopping sight distance
is measured from the driver's eyes, which are assumed to be 3.5
feet above the pavement surface, to an object 6 inchs high on
the road.
(3) Passing Sight Distance. Passing sight distance is
the minimum sight distance required for the driver of one
vehicle to pass another vehicle safely and comfortably. Passing
must be accomplished without reducing the speed of an oncoming
vehicle traveling at the design speed should it come into view
after the overtaking maneuver is started. The sight distance
available for passing at any place is the longest distance at
which a driver whose eyes are 3.5 feet above the pavement surface
can see the top of an object 4.25 feet high on the road.
(4) Corner Sight Distance. Corner sight distance is
the minimum sight distance required for the driver on an uncontrolled side street to see on-coming traffic. It is 7.5 seconds of travel time
for a driver whose eyes are 3.5 feet above the pavement surface
and looking at a 4.25 feet high on-coming vehicle.
Key words:
access, accident reconstruction, auto, automobile, bicycle,
California traffic engineer, condemnation, construction,
crosswalk, dangerous condition, design engineer, eminent domain,
expert witness, forensic, freeway, highway accident, highway
design, Kunzman, legal, maintenance, motorcycle, Orange, parking
study, pedestrian crosswalk, pedestrian protection, pedestrian
protection barrier, road, roadway, safe, safety engineer, street
design, traffic accident, traffic analysis, traffic impact
analysis, traffic impact study, traffic study, trafficengineer,
unsafe condition, vehicle accident