Professional Code of Ethics

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blue dot image REGARDING CLIENT

To perform all responsibilities agreed upon in an efficient and expeditious manner.

To set reasonable fees for services as appropriate, but to not accept fees on a contingency basis.

To keep client reasonably informed about significant developments, and to promptly comply with reasonable requests for information.

To be accessible to client and to promptly respond to inquiries.

To fully apply diligence, education, knowledge, skill, and mental abilities that are reasonably necessary for the performance of duties.

To undertake only those professional assignments for which the professional is qualified, and to advise client to engage other specialists whenever the client's interests are served best by such an arrangement.

blue dot image REGARDING SOCIETY

To pursue each case in a professional and scientific manner.

To use professional knowledge and skill for the advancement of safety and human welfare.

To maintain an attitude of independence and impartiality to ensure an unbiased analysis of the evidence.

blue dot image REGARDING SAFETY

To have due regard for the safety, health and welfare of the public in the performance of professional duties.

To guard against conditions that are dangerous or threatening to life, limb, or property on work for which the professional is responsible.

To promptly call attention to those who are responsible for conditions that are dangerous or threatening to life, limb, or property.

blue dot image REGARDING HONESTY

To be honest and impartial in dealing with clients and the public.

To conduct an objective examination and analysis.

To be truthful and objective in reports, testimony, and statements.

To not exaggerate, embellish, or misrepresent qualifications.

To not practice, market, or promote in a false, misleading, or deceptive manner.


To endeavor to avoid a conflict of interest with client, but when unavoidable conflict arises then to fully disclose the circumstances to all parties involved.

To treat all information from any agency or client with the confidentiality required.

To not disclose information concerning the business affairs or technical processes of any present or former client without their consent.


To express an opinion on a professional subject only when it is founded on adequate knowledge and honest conviction.

To render opinions and conclusions strictly in accordance with the evidence in the case, and only to the extent justified by the evidence.

To perform services only in areas of competence.


To carry out the duties of the profession in such a manner so as to inspire the confidence of the public.

To endeavor to extend public knowledge and appreciation for the profession.

To oppose any untrue, unsupported, or exaggerated statements regarding the profession.

To honor and obey all laws pertaining to the profession.

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